Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Argument Resolution Book and its appearance in Oprah

Well, I decided to start a blog because it's seems like the next best thing to writing a book, which is what I truly wanted to do, but somehow never got around to do.

The thought of writing a book first crossed my mind three years back when The Hubby and me devised an argument resolution method. This method that we concocted is very special, or that's what we thought at least. It is different from the classic ways of resolving arguments - you know, the "the let him/her win" tactics or "ignorance is bliss" strategy or worse, the "get outsiders involved" approach.

Our method leaves The Hubby and me, two extremely strong-headed and opinionated individuals, feeling that we have both won the “battle” after a fight, which is unusual given that our past arguments often ended in “one party wins, the other lose" or "both are fuming mad and sore" outcomes.

After several stress tests of what we deemed is an inventive method, we self-declared that it worked real well (still does, which proves that it stands the test of time too) and we were ready to share it with couples worldwide. What better way than through a book.

Admittedly, when we first thought of writing a book, our intent is not purely altruistic. We know that we hold crucial information that anyone who is a relationship would love to have. We envisioned that The Book would become a worldwide phenomenon and make it to bestselling status everywhere. Maybe, just maybe, The Book would land us an appearance on the Oprah show too. We would be changing lives, transforming relationships and making big big bucks all at once! No harm in dreaming big. :)

Since The Hubby is more of a left brainer (think math, computing, physics) and I am the one who loves to read and write, the job of The Book landed on my lap. But fate has it that I am a professional procrastinator. Somehow, I just could not find time to write in the last three years. I do have solid excuses though: The Career, The Pregnancy, The Daughter, The Pregnancy 2, The Son.

For those of you bloggies who are dying of curiosity about the powerful argument resolution method, I am sorry but I cannot give it away. Not right now anyway. I have to withhold the content for The Book for now, in case I do write it “one day”. I do want to pursue my dream someday. If there comes a day when I finally give up my write-a-book idea, I may reveal it in my blog.

That is all for now. It has been fun. I hope this would not be my last post given that time is not exactly my best friend. I look forward to my next post and hope you do too.

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